Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I AM CrossFit Akron: Lynn Green

If you've been following our posts over the last few weeks, you will be able to see how CrossFit Akron has changed the lives of many of our athletes ranging from ages 20 to 60+.  It' fair to say that the older you get, the less energy you have and it seems harder to do the same things you did when you were in your twnties. Naturally, you slow down a bit.  Lynn Green is an excellent example. Lynn started slowing down a bit in her forties, once she joined CrossFit Akron in 2010 she began to feel an increased level of energy in her every day life and even began noticing more muscle.  When Lynn joined our box, she couldn't even finish her Intro baseline WOD, fast forward a couple of years and now she's not only able to breeze through the Intro WOD, but an entire eight weeks of high intensity workouts during our I AM CrossFit Akron Challenge. Want to be like Lynn? Stick with it. She knows how tough it can be somedays, but it's worth it. Don't give up and soon enough it will become a lifestyle change. Way to go, Lynn!


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